Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Simply stopping will never make you feel complete. You’ll always ask for a moment to catch up, until you’re years and years behind. At what point are you going to realize there is no former you to return to? You aren’t restarting, you are rebuilding. Keep rebuilding. Readjust you’re life every morning, letting the things that went wrong yesterday sink like sediment down to your feet, acting like a pendulum that swings you out of bed, and you’re off. Spend many minutes staring at the ceiling, trying to remember what you think of God. You don’t need to rest, you need to move on, keep moving until it fits just right and all the feelings you crave are just a shift of gears. Gears clicking and the reminder to hold onto this, hold on. But, oh God, how do we hold on? When something is so beautiful, a moment, how do we handle it? I feel like a parent who doesn’t know what to do with a crying baby. So much beauty, but what then? What more can we do but cry, but feel? Oh, hold on, but pass on. Not a man for sex and love, but a man to turn to and say, “this! this is beautiful,” and have them think, “yes, yes it is!” And he cries and the tears hit your face and the sun hits your face and you know that God is in all of us and that warmth is learning to look into someone’s eyes and know there is something there and it isn’t just you. Don’t stop; rebuild and share. 

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